Kamis, 10 Januari 2019
How fat can help to lose weight!
Fat is bad and makes you fat. At least ... that was the view for a long time. Did you want to lose weight? Then fats went under the spell. Low fat or non-free food was the motto. But, that is very short through the turn. After all, there are healthy fats that you need to function optimally and bad fats that you can avoid better. Why fats are good for you, which contribute to healthy weight loss and some tips!
Why do you need fat?
Do you want to lose a few pounds? Do not rigorously remove all fats from your daily menu, because they are important for your health.
Fats are a source of energy as well as proteins and carbohydrates. They provide fuel to do your daily activities. Fat that you do not consume is stored as body fat for later. For example if you suddenly find yourself in a situation where there is no food. But, also to keep you warm and to protect your organs. In addition, fat in your body ensures that you get certain vitamins. It concerns the so-called fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. You get them through your diet.
Fat then provides building blocks for your body cells, protects the body against unwanted intruders and is involved in regulating your hormone balance. Furthermore you get linoleic acid and alfalinoleic acid by eating good and healthy fats. They have a positive effect on your cholesterol level and are beneficial for heart and blood vessels. In short, no more fat is no healthy way to lose weight. Chances are that you run into all sorts of shortages with all the consequences that entails.
What are healthy fats?
Do you want to lose weight without harming your health? Then it helps when you know which types of fats there are. Because, as is known, one type of fat is not the other. An overview.
Saturated fats
These are mainly of animal origin. They stay firm at room temperature either: solidified. You will find it in, among other things, whole milk (products), fat meat (goods), cocoa, sauces, biscuits, snacks and pretzels, but also in some vegetable products such as palm oil and coconut fat.
You get the saturated fats through your daily diet. Sometimes unnoticed and then also called 'hidden fats'. Saturated fats are generally unhealthy. Because, they increase your bad cholesterol (LDL) and the chance of cardiovascular disease. Saturated fats are difficult to break down. The surpluses are stored as body fat. The best thing is to avoid these fats. Because, your body can make them yourself from fat and carbohydrates.
Unsaturated fats
These are fats that are mostly vegetable origin and liquid at room temperature. Often they also get the name oké-fats and usually have a clear function in your body. The best-known unsaturated fats are the omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. The omega 3 and 6 are covered by the polyunsaturated fats or essential fats. The reason is that your body can not produce it yourself. You have to get it out of your diet. Incidentally, you now get enough omega 6 - also known as linoleic acid - if you eat varied and healthy. Because, it is added to a lot of food products. Omega 9, on the other hand, is one of the simple fats. These are not essential, because your body can create it yourself. However, the condition is that you get enough essential fats.
Roughly you can say that you find the monounsaturated fats in seeds, nuts, olives and avocados. The multiple fatty acids can be found in seeds, linseed, sesame, safflower and wheat germ oil. But also in walnuts and all kinds of fatty fish. Sardines, tuna, herring, anchovies, mackerel and salmon.
Trans fats
These fats belong to the unsaturated fats, but are not good for your health. Trans fats are even more unhealthy than saturated fats. It is actually vegetable oil that is made artificially harder. You will find it in margarines, deep-frying fat, baking and frying fats, cookies, pastries and so on. You can recognize it on food labels by the name: hardened fat or partially hardened fat.
Tips to lose weight with healthy fats!
Do you want to lose weight? Then go for a healthy and varied diet with fresh products. Replace unhealthy, saturated fats with unsaturated variants. They give you full feeling, provide energy and are good for heart and blood vessels. Added some tips:
- Choose extra virgin olive oil. Use it preferably cold and in salads. Step for baking and roasting on, for example, organic butter from grass-fed cows. Or choose ghee. This is clarified butter and no longer contains salt, proteins and moisture.
- Put fatty fish on your menu twice a week. For example, choose salmon that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. In any case, good for your cholesterol plus heart and blood vessels. But, it also inhibits inflammation, is good for your resistance and has a beneficial effect on the brain.
- Eat an avocado more often. Like fatty fish, an avocado also contains healthy fats, such as omega 3. The fruit gives you a feeling of fullness and is good for your blood sugar.
- Take nuts and seeds as a snack. Because, this is also a good omega 3 supplier. Furthermore, there are fibers and proteins.
- Avoid further stress, because that just stimulates your appetite for those unhealthy fats. You prefer to exercise. That combats stress and helps you lose weight.
- Delete ready-to-eat cookies, pastries and the like. Prepare yourself in a healthy way now and then.
- And finally: let junk food stand!
For more Information click this link.
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